It is not uncommon for people to experience neck pain, stiffness, or discomfort due to injury, inflammation, or abnormalities. This can be the result of poor posture, overuse, or (in more severe cases), trauma to the muscles, ligaments, or bones in the neck.
Neck pain is not always a serious issue and can sometimes resolve on its own within a few days. Severe pain can be debilitating, however, and can indicate serious illness or injury and may require professional diagnosis and treatment.
However, we at AllCare Health & Pain can diagnose and treat your pain quickly. We have multiple ways to give you the exact care you need to help you get back to a pain-free life. Call AllCare Health & Pain today at 201-386-9800 to set up an appointment.
Why You Need a Specialist
You should always seek help from a professional if you’re experiencing prolonged or severe neck pain. It may be that you simply strained your neck, and in that case, a medical professional can help you get rid of the pain quickly and keep it from returning. However, neck pain can also be a sign of an underlying condition.
If your neck pain is in combination with any of the symptoms below, you should see a doctor immediately. Here is a list of symptoms to watch out for:
- Pain spreading down arms and legs
- Unable to move arms
- Unable to touch chin to chest
- Severe pain with no cause
- Lump in the neck either from a swollen gland or something else
- Changes with bladder and/or bowel function
- Experiencing fever, headaches, nausea or vomiting
- Experiencing tingling, weakness or numbness
Why Choose AllCare Health & Pain
We at AllCare Health & Pain are highly experienced with treating neck pain. We always strive to continue giving the best pain management in Jersey City, NJ, with our world-class care. Our goal is to help you reach your wellness goals, including enjoying a life free of neck pain.
To get you back on your feet, we offer several different treatment options to find the best fit for your unique needs, ranging from physical therapy to massage therapy, chiropractic care, and medication management. Depending on the underlying cause of your neck pain, which we’ll help you diagnose, we’ll determine which treatments are best for you.
Treating Neck Pain
As mentioned above, there are many different ways neck pain can arise. It can be caused by overuse or poor posture, contact sports, a fall or sudden jolt, or whiplash in a motor vehicle accident (to name a few common causes).. If you aren’t sure what the source of your pain is, don’t worry. We’ll help diagnose your ailment and get you started on a treatment plan. We’ve assisted patients with the following types of neck pain:
Muscle Strain
It’s easy to strain a muscle due to various physical activities, such as sports, or even due to poor posture. In fact, bad habits like gritting your teeth or repetitive motion can easily cause neck pain. With chiropractic care, massage therapy, and other related treatments, we can ease those muscles for you.
Whiplash or Related Injuries
The neck is a vulnerable part of the body. Muscles or the spine can be injured when subjected to force. Even in car accidents, whiplash is a common injury to the cervical spine that can cause terrible neck pain. Regular exams with a licensed chiropractor can help ease these symptoms.
Pinched Nerves
A pinched nerve can cause serious pain but could be the result of several different problems. For example, a common reason for pinched nerves is a herniated or slipped disk in the spinal cord due to trauma. Whatever the cause, we can ease the pain with one of our many treatment options, including physical therapy or chiropractic care.
Arthritis and Osteoporosis
Arthritis can create joint swelling, while osteoporosis can result in small fractures in the bone. Even though these two ailments are entirely different, both can cause neck pain, and both can be treated to ease that pain. Whether through massage therapy, chiropractic care, or another treatment option, we can help.
Other Possible Causes
The causes listed above or only the most common reasons someone can experience neck pain. Some other cases that we treat pain for include:
- Fibromyalgia
- Infections
- Cancer or non-cancerous tumors
- Birth or growth abnormalities
If you’re suddenly experiencing severe neck pain with no apparent cause, this could be a sign of an emergency. Sudden neck pain could indicate meningitis or a heart attack if accompanied by other symptoms. These require immediate medical attention.
Contact Us
If you’ve been experiencing chronic neck pain, continuous pain resulting from a recent injury, or even just stiffness in the neck, contact AllCare Health & Pain.
We’ll work with you and your medical history to learn exactly what you need for treatment and recovery. We strive to treat your condition, provide compassionate care, and promote physical wellness. Give AllCare Health & Pain of Jersey City a call at 201-386-9800 to set up an appointment today.